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  • Writer's pictureCharlotte Zang

The Big Question: To Use or Not to Use - AI

Artificial Intelligence

As if marketing your business wasn’t challenging enough, now there is another wrinkle: Artificial Intelligence (aka AI). It’s all over the news. You may be wondering if you should use AI in your business. The answer is maybe, depending on what you want to achieve.


First all, what is it? Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a computer program that can think and learn. It is “human-like” but it is decidedly not human.


You’ve heard of – and most likely used – ChatGPT, even if you weren’t aware of it. It’s a computer program or software called a chatbot that uses AI to answer questions such as common inquiries often in the place of customer service reps. If you’ve used the chat feature on a website, the answers could have come from a chatbot.


The second part of the word, GPT, stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer. Wow! No wonder the developers chose to use the acronym! 


Chatbots have limitations. Sure, they can answer frequently asked questions and direct people to specific resources, but that’s the extent of their abilities. Complicated issues still need to be resolved by a real person.


Should you use AI in your work? That depends. It’s a good choice for repetitive tasks such as answering FAQs and tasks that are performed on assembly lines, whether that’s in the manufacturing industry or food service. Teach it what to do and let it do the work.


If you need written materials, AI can only provide what it has been taught. It repeats the information that has been entered. In other words, the result you get from AI has most likely been used in other places. And it may be dry, boring, or similar to what you would find in a textbook. To get better results, you might need to try a variety of prompts until you get what you want.


You’ll also have to do some fact checking if you choose to go this route. There may be some inaccurate information or worse, some sort of bias that you don’t want. The only way to be sure that the response is correct is to review carefully and do some research, so in many cases, it won’t save much time.


AI could get you started though. If you’re staring at a blank screen, stuck on how to get started, then submitting a query to could be of some assistance. For example, a real estate agent I know often uses AI to write descriptions of the houses she lists. She enters the pertinent details and voila! She gets a paragraph that she can customize if she doesn’t use it all verbatim.


Interestingly enough, when I typed in this prompt, “How to overcome writer’s block,” ChatGPT spit out a list of 10 strategies. All of them were good ideas (see the actual response below), but not one of them was to query ChatGPT!  I suppose it hasn’t been taught to give that response (yet).


For me, the main reason I decided not to use artificial intelligence is that it lacks originality. It produces generic content which means that what it provides could apply to anyone in that specific industry. It has no personality, no creative spark.


Clients choose to work with me because I produce original content in the style and tone that fits their brand. I write about what’s happening specifically in each client’s business with copy that is designed to engage, inspire and persuade their target audience.


Below is the actual text from ChatGPT when using the prompt "How to overcome writer's block"



Writer's block can be frustrating, but there are several strategies you can try to overcome it:

1.        Take a Break: Sometimes, stepping away from your writing for a while can help clear your mind. Take a walk, do some exercise, or engage in a different creative activity to give your brain a break.

2.        Free Writing: Set a timer for a few minutes and write without stopping or worrying about grammar or coherence. This can help free up your mind and get the ideas flowing.

3.        Change Your Environment: A change of scenery can stimulate creativity. Try writing in a different location, such as a coffee shop, park, or library, to see if it helps you break through your writer's block.

4.        Brainstorming: Make a list of ideas or topics related to your writing project. You can use techniques like mind mapping or freewriting to generate new ideas and connections.

5.        Set Realistic Goals: Break your writing tasks into smaller, manageable chunks. Set achievable goals for each writing session, whether it’s writing a certain number of words or completing a specific section of your project.

6.        Read and Research: Reading books, articles, or blogs related to your topic can provide inspiration and spark new ideas. Researching can also help you gather information and overcome any knowledge gaps that may be contributing to your writer's block.

7.        Change Your Approach: If you’re stuck on a particular section of your writing, try approaching it from a different angle. Write out of order, start with the conclusion, or focus on a different aspect of your topic to get unstuck.

8.        Talk It Out: Discuss your ideas with a friend, colleague, or mentor. Sometimes, talking through your thoughts can help clarify your ideas and provide new perspectives.

9.        Eliminate Distractions: Create a distraction-free writing environment by turning off notifications, closing unnecessary tabs, and setting aside dedicated time for focused writing.

10.      Practice Self-Compassion: Remember that writer's block is a common experience, and it doesn’t mean you’re a bad writer. Be kind to yourself and recognize that creativity ebbs and flows. Celebrate small victories and progress, even if it’s just writing a few sentences or generating a new idea.

Experiment with these strategies to find what works best for you. Over time, you’ll develop your own toolkit for overcoming writer's block and keeping your creativity flowing.




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