Charlotte Zang
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Author Press Release
New Book Get Uncomfortable or Change Course Reveals
Honest, Insightful View of Entrepreneurship
Book motivates new and aspiring entrepreneurs to achieve their dreams.
In his new book, Get Uncomfortable or Change Course, author Kelvin Abrams delivers solid advice for new business owners and those who are considering the entrepreneurial path. Each segment offers Abrams’ real-world experiences and is accompanied by action steps and a workbook designed to help entrepreneurs be more successful.
Owner of three businesses in Howard County, Maryland, Abrams describes his journey to entrepreneurship and offers readers tough love as well as encouragement. He says that entrepreneurs live each day feeling uncomfortable, and if they don’t feel uncomfortable, they know it’s time to grow. His book is designed to help people understand that being an entrepreneur means getting creative every single day. Topics include how to finance a new venture, the importance of creating a business plan, and how to navigate some of the unexpected things that will arise. Abrams encourages people to dream big, stay the course, enjoy the freedom that being a business owner offers, and ultimately thrive.
Abrams’ mantra is “Learn, Earn, Return.” He says, “Learn more to earn more. When you earn more, you return more to your community. That’s my goal with this book. If I can help one person lay a strong foundation for their business, to be more successful, to avoid the mistakes I made, then I will have reached my goal.”
Get Uncomfortable or Change Course was published by FriesenPress and is available in paperback, hardcover, and ebook at
About the Author
Kelvin Abrams runs a unique doggie daycare called Tiki’s Playhouse in Maryland, which includes an onsite coffee shop and bar for customers to enjoy. His fifteen years in business have survived the financial crisis of 2008 and emergency lockdowns in 2020. Kelvin shares not only his wins, but also his failures to help readers learn from both. In the spirit of his own mantra, “Learn, earn, return,” Kelvin aims to inspire new or aspiring entrepreneurs to achieve their dreams. In addition to spending time in the boardroom, Kelvin enjoys fishing, golfing, biking, cigars, and bourbon. He currently lives in Glenelg, Maryland, with his two Weimaraner dogs. Get Uncomfortable or Change Course is his first book.

Blog Post for NonProfit - Queen Anne's at Home
The Wisdom of Seniors
Experience just might be the most important factor in achieving wisdom. Knowledge and good judgment may be a direct byproduct of experience. Many of us who are now known as seniors are wiser than our younger counterparts because we have journeyed farther down the road of life. We’ve seen the obstacles that may lurk around the corner and have worked hard to overcome them. We know what could happen because we’ve lived it. Those lessons were learned the hard way. As psychologist Jordan Peterson said, “Experience is the best teacher, and the worst experiences teach the best lessons.” Heeding good counsel is a wise choice.
Young people can benefit from the wise counsel of their grandparents and other seniors even if they don’t realize it at the time. Those sayings from a grandparent may not have meant much to a child of 8 or 10 years old, but those same words may echo in your mind as a young adult, serving as an invisible guide for making decisions. I can still hear my grandmother saying, “You already know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it.”
To read more, visit
The Metropolitan Magazine Article
A Step in the Right Direction
You may not realize it, but your feet are very complex parts of the body. They are made up of 28 bones, 33 joints, and more than 100 muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Since we are on our feet from the moment we get up in the morning, we need all of those components to be in good condition so we can comfortably stand, walk, hike, run, exercise, work, play, dance, and do all the things we want to do each day.
If the bones, joints, and muscles in your feet don’t work together properly, the result is pain. When your feet hurt, it’s hard to get things done, and that pain has a direct impact on our overall health and well-being.
Fortunately, there is an award-winning foot care practice right here in our area. Patients no longer have to travel to Baltimore or Philadelphia for treatment. The podiatrists at Southern Delaware Foot & Ankle in Seaford and Millsboro are the local foot and ankle experts, treating patients with any and all foot and ankle problems. Services include treating broken or fractured bones of the foot and ankle, sports and athletic injuries, bunions, heel spurs, nail problems, tendonitis, and more. The practice’s standard is to avoid surgery unless it is necessary. The team’s goal is to provide efficient treatment to patients so they can resume their regular activities as soon as possible. Most insurance plans are accepted.

Excerpt from "Bay Dreaming"
Written for Her Helm by Kristin Rutkowski
I wanted to raise my children near the water. I wanted them to learn about life by being immersed in nature: to feel the ebb and flow of the tide, the wind and the waves, to notice the changing of the seasons, and see the sun slip below the horizon each evening. I wanted to give them a solid foundation to help them realize that there is a cycle to life: that everything that lives must die, that roots go down and the plants go up, that even though storms can develop unexpectedly, there is beauty in the clouds and freshness after the rain.
Living in that little house near the Chesapeake Bay meant that almost every day, we spent time on or near the water, if only to look at the boats and see what treasures washed ashore: a fishing lure, an odd-shaped piece of driftwood, a shiny sliver of sea glass. Crab shells, snake skins, fish bones, and clam shells were constant reminders of the creatures that lived just below the surface. We also picked up trash that littered the sand, having traveled miles downstream from the Conowingo Dam or tossed from a passing boat. Picking out pieces of plastic while building sandcastles surrounded by moats prompted a conversation about pollution. We talked about how to protect our natural resources. These lessons simply couldn’t be learned in front of a screen.
We shared our corner of the world with a variety of birds and wildlife. Swallows, geese, ducks, eagles, blue herons, seagulls, owls, and bats were always nearby. Deer, squirrels, raccoons, chipmunks, skunks, opossums, turtles, and groundhogs were our neighbors. Blue-tailed skinks sunned themselves on rocks and then skittered under logs as we approached. In the early evening, peepers announced the arrival of spring. On an oppressive summer night, we watched beavers glide effortlessly, silently through the calm water toward their lodge, slapping their tails before diving and disappearing.
In the marsh, the boys caught tadpoles. We took them home in a bucket and put them in the aquarium. Biology class happened at eye level when the tadpoles sprouted legs. Those newly formed frogs were soon released because wild things need to stay wild, not trapped inside a glass box.
My kids swam before they could walk and took for granted that they could play in the water whenever the weather permitted. While teaching the concept of gratitude, I reminded them that they were very fortunate because most boys and girls don’t get to swim every day. They were confused and asked, “Why not?” They couldn’t imagine living anywhere else.
Being so close to nature helped my children develop compassion for living things and a healthy sense of curiosity. Noticing a cluster of butterflies on the beach one morning, my three-year-old son crouched down to get a closer look. After a moment, he asked, “Do butterflies smile, Mom?” He must have thought the butterflies were having fun flying and dancing in the air with their friends. I answered the only way I could: “Yes honey, I’m sure they do.”
To read more, get a copy of Her Helm at
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